All button show all items that were scanned.
The red check shows items that were counted but have different quantities.
The green check shows items that were counted and the quantities match.
The red X shows items that have quantity on the AuditPricebook.csv file but were not scanned.
There are special searches available:
lt0 shows differences less than 0
e0 shows differences equal to 0
b1-10 shows differences between 1 and 10
b11-20 shows differences between 11 and 20
b91-100 shows differences between 91 and 100
g100 shows differences greater than 100
Dept Qty OH Qty Diff
Total 0 0 0
Cat Qty OH Qty Diff
Total 0 0 0

Showing - of

Dept Qty OH
Total 0
Cat Qty OH
Total 0

Showing - of

Initialize Inventory
Your attention is required

Actions taken here are not reversible. Please act with care

  •   Delete Counts 0